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1. Do you like to argue and fight?
2. Do you believe in saying "I love you" and showing affection toward the wife and children, which the Prophet did to his wife and children?
3. Are you willing to spend quality time with your wife and children, for learning and recreation?
4..Are you willing to change bad habits that you or your wife may have?
5. When you are angry do you use curse words?
6. What is your definition of love in the marital sense?
7. Do you have any character references, if so when may my Wali obtain them?
8. Do you get angry easily? Do you have a temper? If so are you able to control your anger or temper from getting to far out of hand? In an authentic hadith the Prophet (SAWS) said "Don't get angry"  three times.
9. If you are angered are you willing to talk out the problem or do you need time to simmer down?
10. Do you have any past misguided deeds, that may affect your family now?
11. Do you feel that you are mature enough to enter into marriage?
12. What type of personality do you feel best describes you i.e. carefree, high strung, humorous, combination, easy going, narcissistic or other please explain?
13. What type of things make you laugh or make you angry?
14. Are you a good listener?
15. Would your friends consider you to be honest and forthright?
16. Would you do what someone else wanted you to do despite your true feelings?  What would you do if someone requested something of you that was unIslamic? Are you easily bullied and convinced or able to stand your ground.
17. Do you feel that you are a considerate individual?
18. Are you often moody, grumpy and irritable?
19. What is your understanding of physical and mental cruelty?
20. How do you feel about deadlines, do you procrastinate, how do you feel about preparing ahead of time?
21. How many  marriage prospects have you had, and why did you choose not to marry them or why did they choose not to marry you?
Advice, there are people that have Type A personalities, narcissistic  traits or  they are right brain thinkers (see online definitions for clarification). While everyone has flaws, these particular groups of people have trouble being fair and objective, taking responsibility for their actions, treating people respectfully and they often lack good reasoning skills. Most people are unaware that they experience such traits, but if they possess them they are often difficult to deal with.